My Story

As a young child, I remember my nature as a free spirit, with no worries other than making sure I was home by curfew.  My friends and I would play and ride our bikes around the neighborhood, allowing our imaginations and creativity to lead us to the next adventure! 

Then my parents decided to move from the suburbs to a small town in the country.  Going into 4th grade, I found myself transplanted in a new home, community and school.  My imagination and carefree way were quickly overshadowed by isolation and feeling unsupported as I adapted to these changes. 

In my teens, I became depressed and felt like an outsider.  I longed to be liked and to feel important.  I looked to relationships, family and friends to fill this deep void.  I received short-term relief; however, it wouldn’t be long before I was back on the hamster wheel looking for the next fix.   As I entered my twenties, I discovered the Seth books, which started my metaphysical journey.   

After my 14-year marriage ended, I realized that looking outside myself for validation and self-worth was no longer working.   So, I began practicing all I had learned.  Peace, solace and inner knowing resulted. 

As I continue to do my own inner work, I am connecting with aspects of myself who are frozen in time due to pain and fear.  I love and acknowledge them, bringing them into the present and into my heart.  As I continue to release this energy and love my whole self, I am once again using my imagination and free spirit to create my life! 

Integration into Wholeness has given me the courage and freedom to live my passion, which is to guide and assist you on your journey from where you are to where you want to be!